Why Irish Americans should vote for Joe Biden on November 3

Ted Smyth, President of the Advisory Board of Glucksman Ireland House, NYU and former Chief Administrative Officer of the H.J. Heinz Company.

Joe Biden is a longtime supporter of peace and equality in Ireland and worked with Nobel Peace Prize laureate, the late John Hume, for that noble cause. It is critically important that the American President support that peace, and Joe is dedicated to protecting the Good Friday Agreement and fiercely opposed to a military border in Ireland.

As Mark Landler wrote in the New York Times in July: ‘A devoted Irish American, Mr. Biden will fiercely defend Ireland’s interests, as will his allies in the Democratic Party’s Irish lobby on Capitol Hill. In speeches, Mr. Biden’s go-to literary reference is from ‘‘Easter 1916,’’ a poem by the Irish poet William Butler Yeats about the Irish uprising against British rule.’ The New York Times continued, ‘If Mr. Biden wins in November, Britain would face a president who opposed Brexit, would look out for the interests of Ireland in a post-Brexit Europe, and would have little motive to prioritize an Anglo-American trade deal.’

Joe would also be the first Irish American Catholic to become President since President Kennedy in 1960, something that is long overdue.

By voting for Joe Biden on November 3, you would be supporting an Irish American who is the essence of decency, dedicated to protecting family values, good jobs, a public option in healthcare and affordable education.

Build Back Better

Joe’s plan to create 5 million new good-paying manufacturing and innovation jobs

The Vice President’s plan to rebuild the economy includes a $700 billion investment, union jobs and a $15 minimum wage. Joe said he would put $300 billion over four years into research and development targeted at a diverse array of businesses and entrepreneurs, which would result in “high-quality job creation” across the country.

Joe emphasizes “Buy America” and will invest $400 billion in government procurement of American-made goods, requiring that companies receiving procurement contracts pay workers “at least $15 per hour, provide paid leave, maintain fair overtime and scheduling practices, and guarantee a choice to join a union and bargain collectively.”

Affordable Healthcare for All Americans

Joe Biden promises relief to all those Irish Americans who worry about hospital and doctor bills owed by their loved ones. He states that whether you’re covered through your employer, buying your insurance on your own, or going without coverage altogether, the Biden Plan will give you the choice to purchase a public health insurance option like Medicare.”

That means we will have the option to enroll in the public option with potentially big implications for how employers decide to structure their health benefits. Joe will bring down healthcare costs by unleashing Medicare’s bargaining power on behalf of a public option available to all Americans.

Equality for All Americans

Joe, like all Irish Americans, believes in the American promise that everyone should be given an equal shot at succeeding. This election is not just about voting against the incompetence and corruption of Donald Trump.

As Joe says, "It's about rising to this moment of crisis, understanding people's struggles and building a future worthy of their courage and their ambition to overcome. Some people are trying to split the country. And so far, thank God, the American people aren't having any of it.”

As we Irish say, Ni neart go cur le cheile, There’s no strength without unity.

Irish Americans and Americans need Joe Biden to unite America now, more than ever.

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